

Master of Engineering Management & Leadership

In today’s world, all major companies have become technology companies. Therefore, engineers are being increasingly involved in the creation of new ideas, products, and services, across all sectors of society. For companies to take full advantage of this new paradigm, they must hire people who have been extensively educated on the best ways of leading, managing, and inspiring teams of engineers and technical professionals who are digital natives.

Be part of this new generation of engineering manager leaders who will be ready to thrive in this new era. The Master of Engineering Management and Leadership (MEML) at Rice University — available on campus or online — will provide you with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the new and emerging technology era known as Industry 4.0.

The Master of Engineering Management and Leadership program at Rice is a professional, non-thesis master’s degree meant for technical professionals with engineering or related technical backgrounds; recent college graduates from engineering and the computational science fields should also apply.

The MEML program is offered online or on-campus, with full-time and part-time options. Students who have a BA or a BS degree in any field of engineering or related study may apply. Students must apply to either the online or on-campus program and will be explicitly admitted to one program or the other.

Visit the Online MEML website to learn more about the part-time, online MEML degree, or read below to learn more about the full-time, on-campus (in-person) program at Rice — a private university located in Houston, Texas, the nation’s fourth largest city.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Employ ethical-technical decision-making. MEML graduates will treat ethics as a technical constraint in technical solutions.
  • Lead and manage engineering teams. MEML graduates will excel at hybrid communications (i.e., technical and non-technical persons) and managing teams.
  • Evaluate the economic viability of technology products and ideas. MEML graduates will be able to pick which technology/products are likely to thrive in the marketplace before they are deployed.
  • Solve advanced engineering problems. Since MEML graduates will build teams, they will gain a graduate-level understanding of key undergraduate engineering concepts.

Curriculum Overview

The Master of Engineering Management and Leadership program's non-thesis curriculum requires completing a minimum of 30 credits of approved courses at the 500- level or above. These requirements consist of six courses (18 credits) for the Engineering Manager Leadership Breadth, three (3) Specialization courses (9 credits), and a Masters of Engineering Management and Leadership Capstone Project (3 credits).

  • Engineering manager leadership courses: These courses will give you an extensive education on the best ways  of leading, managing, and inspiring teams of engineers and technical professionals who are digital natives or traditional.
  • Specialization: In the specialization, MEML students can choose three graduate-level (500-level or above) courses in a Rice engineering department or an emerging engineering focus area, such as data science, financial engineering, or industrial engineering.
  • Capstone project: MEML students will be expected to devise Industry 4.0 solutions to solve real-world problems, while demonstrating their newly acquired engineering manager leader skills and engineering and data-informed insights.

View the MEML Curriculum to learn more about core courses, specializations, and the MEML capstone project.

Key Dates for On-Campus Applicants

The on-campus Master of Engineering Management and Leadership at Rice currently has fall and spring semester intake cycles and operates over three academic semesters. Students may choose to attend three consecutive semesters (fall, spring, and summer) or seek an external internship during the summer (in which case the program would cover the fall, spring, and fall semesters). All required application materials must be submitted as follows:

  • Spring Application Period: September 1 - November 1
  • Fall Application Period: September 1 -  April 1 ( Late application deadline May 1)


The Master of Engineering Management and Leadership On-Campus Degree is a 30-credit program. The tuition rate is available here. Please note that fees are subject to change and may rise each year.

Please note that fees are subject to change and may rise each year. For those details, visit the Bursar’s Office.

Admissions Overview

Rice considers all applications holistically. Admissions decisions are based on Rice’s assessment of each applicant’s ability to succeed in the program, considering the undergraduate grades, test scores, and work experience. The GRE test will be recommended for all applicants but not required. 

Applying to the Online MEML Program

Prospective students must explicitly apply to the online MEM program to be admitted. Learn more about our Online MEML Program.

Learn More

There are many ways to learn more about applying to Rice's on-campus MEML program:

For questions about our Engineering Professional Master's Programs, email



Master Your Future

Light bulb icon

Practical Experience

Real world problems

Access a wide variety of business training and hands-on experience that will improve your engineering professional skills.

Gear thinking icon

Professional Development

Broaden your soft skills

Combine the practical aspects of engineering with business, management, communications, leadership and entrepreneurship curriculum.

Networking icon

Networking Opportunities

Industry focused

Partnerships and collaborations with leading companies in a wide variety of engineering related fields and occupations.


Info Sessions

Want to learn more about our the on-campus Master of Engineering Management and Leadership degree program? Register for one of our upcoming virtual info sessions: