
Paola Cascante-Bonilla ’24 to join Stony Brook faculty

Computer science alumna highlights Future Faculty Fellows program’s workshops, one-on-one consultation as invaluable resources for navigating job market.

Paola Cascante-Bonilla

Paola Cascante-Bonilla, who graduated from Rice University in 2024 with a Ph.D. in computer science with advisor Vicente Ordóñez-Román, has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. She will begin this role in September 2025 after completing a Postdoctoral Associate appointment with Hal Daumé III at the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).

After spending a decade working in the industry, Cascante-Bonilla looks forward to using her experience to mentor students in academia while continuing her own research in computer vision, natural language processing and machine learning. “[Academia is] like being the CEO of your own startup,” said Cascante-Bonilla. “You have the freedom for research, teaching and service.” 

Cascante-Bonilla was part of Rice Engineering’s 2023-24 Future Faculty Fellows (FFF) program, which helps PhD students and postdocs explore the academic career path and successfully compete in the job market.

The FFF program offers fellows the opportunity to engage in tailored workshops and one-on-one consultations. Activate Engineering Communications Program’s Tracy Volz and Kamisha Escoto lead many of the workshops, with topics including preparing the job talk, preparing a cover letter, interview tips and managing Q&A to help fellows navigate their faculty applications and interviews. 

“What opened my mind completely was the [interview tips] workshop…where Tracy and Kamisha asked questions I may encounter in interviews,” said Cascante-Bonilla. “Having access to their [practice questions] was very helpful.” 

Cascante-Bonilla also shared that Activate Engineering’s workshop on preparing for the job talk helped her discuss her research in a way that is accessible to people not in the research area.

While the workshops were vital resources, one of the most beneficial aspects of the FFF program for Cascante-Bonilla was the availability of program faculty for one-on-one guidance and interview preparation. “They were really approachable. If I had a question or wanted to practice, they would really help me,” said Cascante-Bonilla. “All the support was invaluable. I would not have had the success rate I had without that and without the resources they gave me.”

Rice Engineering Ph.D. students and postdocs who are planning to apply for tenure-track faculty positions in the fall are invited to apply for the 2024-25 Future Faculty Fellows program. Applications will be accepted through June 7, 2024.
