50th Anniversary Celebration Guests
See who's attending the 50th-anniversary celebration and read about their favorite Rice Engineering memories or what they are looking forward to during the anniversary weekend!
Let us know if you are attending the celebration. Fill out the form here.

Rebecca Hindman
Electrical and Computer Engineering
"I can't wait to see old friends and find out the latest Rice Engineering projects!"

Gaurav Goel
Materials Science and NanoEngineering
"I remember fondly when 45°, 90°, 180° by Michael Heizer was installed. Also, graduating!"

Allen Morrison
Electrical and Computer Engineering
"Looking forward to discussing potential research partnerships and seeing good friends!"

Pretta VanDible Stallworth
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
"My favorite engineering memory is when I would "crawl" out of the Mudd building at 3am after a brutal night of programming feeling exhilarated, knowing that the next project would be just as brutal...and I still have the same 3am exhilaration."

Katie Donovan
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"Looking forward to meeting alumni and getting them involved in the school!"

Janine Berrill
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"I’m really looking forward to the AI-related discussions to hear how AI is shaping the future. Given how fast AI is evolving, I can’t wait to hear the conversations and see where things are headed. "

Jada Crawford
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"The agenda looks fantastic, looking forward to it!"

Maria Aglietti
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"Can't wait to meet everyone at the 50th Celebration!"

Hillary Penn
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"Looking forward to reconnecting with familiar faces and meeting new ones! The drone show should be epic!"

Emily Person
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"I'm looking forward to the engineering quad party and the drone show!"

Raji Natarajan
Rice Staff
George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing
"Meet all faculty and alumni and participate in fun activities!"