
Rice Engineering and Computing offers 2024 Alumni Weekend events

Alumni invited to faculty panel, OEDK open house and an academic school reception.

Alumni Weekend

Rice Engineering and Computing invites alumni to celebrate the lasting connections made at Rice University and make new memories this Alumni Weekend, Nov. 1-2. In this year of school milestones—from the renaming of the school to the George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing to the upcoming 50th anniversary—it is an exciting time to welcome alumni back home to Rice. 

Alumni can reunite with former classmates over a series of special Alumni Weekend events on Nov. 1 at Rice Engineering and Computing: 

Faculty Panel, Friday, Nov. 1, 10:15 a.m. at the Moody Center for the Arts 
Marcia O'Malley, chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Thomas Michael Panos Family Professor in Mechanical Engineering, will join a panel of Rice University faculty presenting a TEDx-style talk. 

Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK) Open House, Friday, Nov. 1 at 10 a.m. 
Alumni can see for themselves what undergraduate students are doing in engineering design in this come-and-go style open house. Lab Assistants will be on hand to talk about the maker space, where engineering undergraduates design solutions to real-world projects. Registration is encouraged.

Academic School Reception, Friday, Nov. 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Martel Hall, Duncan Hall
At this school reception, engineering and computing alumni can catch up with former classmates and faculty over light refreshments. Dean Luay Nakhleh and the Rice Engineering Alumni (REA) will share important school updates as Rice Engineering and Computing prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. 

Registration is kindly requested for the academic school reception. Alumni can visit the event page to sign up for this reception and other exciting Alumni Weekend events across campus.  
