
Constantinos Chamzas looks to teach, research robotics at Worcester Polytechnic

Computer science doctoral alumnus is among the 2023 cohort of Future Faculty Fellows from Rice Engineering.

Constantinos Chamzas

In 2022, George R. Brown School of Engineering at Rice University named 10 Future Faculty Fellows from eight departments to support Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers who plan to apply for tenure-track faculty positions.

The fellows attended faculty panels, workshops, one-on-one coaching sessions and a mock interview designed to support them as they prepare for faculty interviews. A monetary award of $1,000 supported each fellow for attending conferences and university seminars. Here’s more about one of our fellows and his future plans:

Constantinos Chamzas ’23
Ph.D. computer science

What faculty position will you be starting?

I’ve accepted a position as assistant professor of robotics engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts.

Tell us about your research interests.

My work focuses on the synergistic combination of robotic planning methods and modern machine learning techniques. The impact of AI technologies has transformed industry, though we still face challenges in bringing robotic agents into our homes and hospitals. I aim to bridge this gap by developing robotic learning algorithms to address labor-intensive tasks, assist in disaster relief efforts and contribute to a more prosperous future.

What would you like to accomplish in your career?

My goals include research and teaching. I am driven to make significant contributions to the field by pioneering robotic learning algorithms. By establishing a well-equipped laboratory and securing research funding, I aspire to lead a team that pushes the boundaries of what is possible in robotic intelligence. I’m passionate about inspiring the next generation of researchers.

What impact has the Future Faculty Fellowship had on your career plans?

The program was instrumental in shaping my career trajectory and facilitating my transition to a faculty position. The guidance and mentorship I received through the program proved invaluable in navigating a stressful, complex job market. The workshops gave me insights into the hiring process and helped me organize my materials and present myself effectively. The fellowship elevated my confidence and equipped me with the tools necessary to thrive as an assistant professor.

Who was your adviser at Rice?

My adviser was Lydia E. Kavraki, Noah Harding Professor of Computer Science, and professor of bioengineering, of electrical and computer engineering, and professor of mechanical Engineering. She is also the director of the Ken Kennedy Institute.
