Despite cancellation of its annual end-of-year picnic, hosted jointly by the George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice Engineering Alumni this year has provided more than $143,000 in scholarships and grants:
The Buckley-Sartwelle Scholarship
Created by Jack Boyd Buckley ’48 and Helen Sartwelle Buckley ’44 in memory of their parents
- Nicholas Lester, ’21 mechanical engineering (MECH), $12,000
Outstanding Research Excellence Award
- John Chen, ’20 computer science (CS), $4,000
Distinguished Research Excellence Awards
- Isabelle Williams, ’22 chemical and biomolecular engineering (ChBE), $2,000
- John T. Li, ’21 materials science and nanoengineering (MSNE), $2,000
Outstanding Leadership Excellence Award
- Ryan Udell, ’21 MECH, $4,000
Distinguished Leadership Excellence Award
- Steven Kochvar, ’21 civil and environmental Engineering (CEE), $2,000
Distinguished Leadership Excellence Award
- Tiger Yang, ’20 electrical and computer engineering (ECE), $2,000
International Service Award
- Dora Huang, ’21 bioengineering (BIOE), $4,000
Willy Revolution Award
Recognizes innovation and creativity in engineering design
- Thomas Herring, ’20 ECE, $3,000
Outstanding Junior Award
- Steven Kochvar, ’21 CEE, $4,000
Distinguished Junior Awards
- Katie DeSpain, ’21 CEE, $2,000
- Athena Chien, ’21 BIOE, $2,000
Junior Merit Awards
- Hoang-Anh Vu, ’21 BIOE, $1,000
- Jonathan Bloom, ’21 ChBE, $1,000
- Frank Yang, ’21 ECE, $1,000
- Hope Fa-Kaji, ’21 MECH, $1,000
- John T. Li, ’21 MSNE, $1,000
Outstanding Senior Award
- Alexander Li, ’20 BIOE, $4,000
Distinguished Senior Awards
- Abby Lawrence, ’20 CHBE, $2,000
- Tiffany Bauman, ’20 MECH, $2,000
Senior Merit Awards
- Shaurey Vetsa, ’20 BIOE, $1,000
- Brandon Johnson, ’20 ChBE, $1,000
- John Chen, ’20 CS, $1,000
- Namanh Kapur, ’20 CS, $1,000
- Tiger Yang, ’20 ECE, $1,000
- Eric Voigt, ’20 MECH, $1,000
Project Grants, Fall
- Rice Eclipse, $1,145
- Rice BIOE GSA Symposium, $1,355
- Rice Hyperloop Team, $1,800
Project Grants, Spring
- Avorest Aviation, $500
- Rice EV Team, $1,500
- Vivifi Medical, $3,000
Graduate Travel Grants, Fall
- Alix Macklin, ECE, $750
- Melody Tan, BIOE, $500
- Boqiang Fan, ECE, $217
Graduate Travel Grants, Spring
- Tanya Rogers, ChBE, $1,202.24
- Dongyang Zhu, ChBE, $576.89
- Chris Coonrod, ChBE, $552.87
- Eddie Yao, BIOE, $395.58
- Jacob Goell, BIOE, $337.89
- Trendon Pierpergerdes, BIOE, $232.53
- Ronan O'Connell, BIOE, $235
Ralph Budd Thesis Award
Given in recognition of the best thesis in engineering
- Yusha Liu, STAT doctoral student, $3,500
Hershel M. Rich Invention Awards
Honors Hershel Rich, ’45, ’47 and recognizes the best engineering inventions
- Muhammad Rahman, MSNE research scientist; Seohui Jung, MSNE junior; Nancy Cui, BIOE junior; Pulickel Ajayan, Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Professor of Engineering and MSNE department chair; $7,500
- Mantej Singh, CS junior; Justin Cheung, ECE junior; $7,500
Alan J. Chapman Award
Named in honor of former Dean of Engineering Alan Chapman ’45, to recognize an outstanding senior in engineering
- Noah Kenner, ’20 MECH, $3,500
Thomas Michael Panos Award
Created by siblings Michael ’53 and Ellie Panos to recognizes an outstanding senior in MECH
- Casimir Smith, ’20 $10,000
Harrianna Butler Scholarship
Recognizes a married engineering student
- Matthew Grossman, ’21 MECH, $10,000
Phil Layton Awards for Excellence in Arts
- Athena Chien, ’21 BIOE, $3,700
- Alex Yang, ’20 CAAM, $3,700
Dick and Mary Wilson Award
- Sabrina Bisaga, ’21 CEE, $2,000
Walter Austin Memorial Scholarship
Named for former Professor Walter J. Austin '41, to recognize an outstanding student in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Steven Kochvar, ’21 CEE, $1,000
Engineering Hardhat Awards
- Hope Fa-Kaji, ’21 MECH $200
- Yufei (Nancy) Cui, ’20 BIOE, $200