
Make a Gift

Why Give?

Gifts of all sizes play an essential role at Rice Engineering. Whether you choose to give back through annual gifts, establishing an endowment or funding other priority initiatives, every dollar counts.

There are many reasons to give:

  • Federal funding has declined. Federal support for university research is significant, but it’s been declining. Private support allows us to act on new initiatives and follow new sources of federal funding to make measurable and timely progress on research goals.
  • Rice endowment does not cover most expenses. The Rice endowment covers only about 40% of the University’s budget. The University must fund the rest of its operating expenses from other sources.
  • Every gift makes a difference. Most gifts to Rice and Rice Engineering (88%) are less than $1,000. But together they add up to millions for student awards, academics, research and programs so we can educate leaders and tackle grand challenges.
  • Flexible gifts inspire creativity and innovation. The majority of gifts to Rice Engineering are endowed funds and are directed toward a particular department or program. Annual, expendable gifts provide vital flexibility.
  • Leverage your passion with ours. If you are bothered by the grand challenges in global health, climate change, population growth and urban density, and running and securing computational infrastructure, partner with Rice engineers to champion solutions that transform the world we imagine into the world of today. You can help.

Support our areas of greatest need

The Dean’s Excellence Fund

Rest assured that contributions made to the Dean’s Excellence Fund are used in the best way possible to secure the school’s strategic vision and support creative engineering solutions. These funds enable the dean to direct donations to areas of highest priority, supporting outstanding faculty and students, and fostering responsibility for future engineers to achieve excellence.

Funding Initiatives

The George R. Brown School of Engineering and Computing at Rice University aspires to be recognized as a leader in transformational research, unparalleled education and service to humanity with social responsibility by leveraging our unique strength and culture. Our mission is to empower the next generation of leaders with strong technical, data, science, creative problem solving and communication skills, and the ability to integrate across disciplines to address humankind’s most pressing problems. Learn more about Rice Engineering Campaign Initiatives in support of Be Bold: The Campaign for Rice.

How to Make Your Gift

Online: The easiest way to support the success and growth of Rice Engineering is to make a gift online:

Give Now

Phone: Please call (713) 348-7347 to make a gift or pledge.

Mail: Make your check payable to Rice University noting the gift designation and mail it to:

Rice University Office of Engineering Development
PO Box 1892 - MS 364
Houston, TX 77251-1892

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts, such as bequests or charitable trusts, can be a way to provide for a future gift to Rice Engineering. They can help you take care of yourself and take care of Rice Engineering. The school welcomes gifts made through different planned giving arrangements, each of which has a number of benefits including providing for you or your loved ones and entitling you to charitable income and/or gift estate tax deductions, all while enabling you to leave a legacy for Rice Engineering. Our gift planning team can assist with choosing gift options tailored to your goals and your connection to Rice Engineering.

Contact Rice Engineering Development

Your investment provides a distinctive academic experience that encourages top research from our faculty and prepares our graduates to lead and succeed throughout their careers. Let us know how we can help:

Our Team